7 Famous Haunted British Castles


Glamis Castle (Angus, Scotland)

Glamis Castle is the ancient family seat of the Lyon family (since the 14th century) and is where Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, King Charles’ maternal grandmother, grew up. Nestled in the Scottish countryside about ten miles north of Dundee, Glamis is a beautiful castle that attracts masses of tourists every year. But it is also rumoured to be the most haunted site in Scotland.

Some of the many ghosts reputed to call Glamis home are the ghosts of members of the Ogilvy Clan, locked in and left to die in a secret chamber in 1486, the Grey Lady, Earl Beardie (who lost his soul to the Devil in the 15th century) and the Tongueless Woman.

Glamis Castle (Angus, Scotland)

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