Top 10 Facts about Ticks

Facts about Ticks make you know more about small arachnids. They are included in subclass Acari. The other member is mites. The length of ticks is measured at 3 to 5 mm. Ticks live by feeding the blood taken from birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles. They are known as external parasites or ectoparasites. The evolution of ticks has been spotted since Cretaceous period. They can be found living in areas with humid and warm climates. ADVERTISEMENT The livestock…


20 Fun Facts About Eiffel Tower

ADVERTISEMENT Artistic Inspiration The Eiffel Tower has been the subject of numerous works of art, photographs, movies, and books, making it an iconic symbol of France. Exposition Universelle It was built as the entrance arch for the 1889 Exposition Universelle (World’s Fair) held in Paris to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. Initial Reactions When it was first built, many Parisians and artists thought the tower was an…


Top-7 Cleanest Cities In The World

Surely, everybody would prefer to reside in an environment that is clean. However, not everybody is willing to do the needful, to make that a reality. To know a city that’s clean, one needs to put several factors into consideration. Some of them include ecosystem vitality, environmental health, water, air pollution, and many more. As such, one needs to critically consider it, when deciding a city to live or visit. In case you’re the type…