These 7 Facts Prove That Climate Change Is Happening


Climate change predicts a variety of future scenarios

A number of climate change assessments like ones from U.S. government’s National Climate Assessment and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report on different levels of warming. Additionally, they consider what types of future conditions may result by utilizing advanced technologies that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, to escalating emissions from the absence of climate action.

Climate change predicts a variety of future scenarios

Major climate change reports are backed up by thorough research and the most accurate and up-to-date scientific data

For example, the National Climate Assessment (NCA) report is a collaboration between NOAA, NASA, the Department of Defense and professionals at 10 other agencies. The report is based on the most up-to-date scientific literature and is a go-to for thousands of scientists across the globe. From Hurricane Harvey and other major weather-related events, it shows the human involvement in each one.Major climate change reports are backed up by thorough research and the most accurate and up-to-date scientific data

Climate change studies are transparent

Climate change reports are based on thoroughly peer-reviewed scientific research. Also, the drafts are publicly available and open to review. Also, NCA report are subject to public comment because it was open for review at every step. Not only was the draft open to public commentary, but the authors had to respond to each person. These reports are reviewed and endorsed by every major scientific institution, and have a careful method of citing sources and citations.

Climate change studies are transparent


Tackling the climate change issue can help restore the economy

Uncontrolled climate change is costly. Citibank estimates these costs will rise to more than $40 trillion by 2060 if not checked. The interesting thing is more than 4 million Americans now work in wind, solar, energy efficiency and other clean energy jobs. Experts predict that investing in revitalizing water infrastructure in the U.S. could generate 1.3 million more jobs.

Tackling the climate change issue can help restore the economy

Federal climate change reports are based on facts written by scientists

Federal climate change reports are based on facts written by scientists. The NCA authors are civil servant scientists whose work is based on facts. Fossil fuel companies fund climate studies as well. From 1977 to 2014, Mobil-Exxon showed 83 percent acknowledged the reality of climate change, which came from human activity.

Federal climate change reports are based on facts written by scientists

Loads of scientific evidence support the claim that climate change is both real and man-made

Human-produced pollution is causing climate change is dangerous and will become more treacherous in the future if proper act isn’t taken. NASA and 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by human activity.

Loads of scientific evidence support the claim that climate change is both real and man-made

Climate scientists are either underpaid or simply volunteer their work

Scientists often volunteer their time to write climate change reports. The authors of the NCA didn’t receive a dime for their efforts.

Climate scientists are either underpaid or simply volunteer their work