Top 7 Random Facts About the Human Body


The Human Nose Has the Capability of Detecting a Trillion Smells

According to estimates, the human nose can detect, differentiate, and distinguish over a trillion scents. This is contrary to the old human body facts study which had estimated that the human sense of smell could only detect about 10,000 odors. This is contrary to the existing myth which suggests that human beings are poor at detecting smells.

According to a human body facts study by Rockefeller University neurobiologists Leslie Vosshall, human beings can detect more smells than previously thought.  Humans can detect smell by inhaling the air that contains the odor molecules. The odor binds to the receptor inside one’s nose and relays the message to the brain which in turn processes it and unveil the information.

The Human Nose Has the Capability of Detecting a Trillion Smells

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